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Smile ID NewsPress Release19 Jul 2023

A New Chapter Begins: Introducing Smile ID

Peace Itimi

Director of Marketing

Since 2017, we have been driven by a desire to ensure that any African, anywhere in the world, can easily verify their identity. So we have spent the last couple of years ​​developing tools and software that revolutionised African identity verification.


With over 75 million identity verifications, we have built Africa's most robust KYC/AML suite of products. In addition, through expansion into new territories, strategic acquisitions like Appruve, the launch of document verification globally and garnering more than $30 million in funding, we've been able to cement our position as Africa's leading identity verification and digital KYC provider.


As we continue to enable businesses building for Africans to verify and onboard them seamlessly, it is important for our brand identity to truly reflect our growth and ethos. So we have made significant updates to our brand identity:


A Refreshed Identity


  • Smile ID: A stronger and more memorable name – To make our brand name stronger, snappier and easier to remember, we've shortened our name to Smile ID.  This simplification of our name embraces what many people already call us and moves us to a place where we can be more versatile as we grow and expand our services and product lines. 
  • A Reimagined Look –  Our new logo represents our vision to provide Africans unrestricted access to a thriving digital economy by enabling global businesses to verify and onboard them easily. The open lock in the logo symbolises the infinite potential that unfolds when Africa's most ambitious businesses work with us. And our new colour palette is vibrant, trustworthy and inspirational, just like the businesses and individuals we work with daily.
  • Redesigned Website: ↗ – We've given our website a clean, fresh look and simplified navigation. We've also added new resources to help you stay up-to-date with KYC regulations and best practices across Africa. 

New Product Updates

One of our key values is “We build for scale”. We always look at the future and develop solutions and processes that will stand the test of time. So, we are proud to share some product updates as part of this rebrand.

We built brand new SDKs        

We proudly announce the beta release of brand-new v10 SDKs for Android and iOS. Built from the ground up, these SDKs bring enhanced reliability, simplified integration, and a host of new and powerful features, including: 

  • Easy customisation: We've integrated modern UI components for a refreshed experience, making theming customisation easier to align with your branding.
  • Further optimisation for low bandwidth: We optimised networking capabilities for users with flakey connections and low internet speeds.
  • Our smallest SDK package yet: We've kept the SDK footprint as small as possible, with the latest version at 797 KB.

Our new SDKs are open source, with documentation available in the code and online. We are happy to accept contributions and look forward to hearing your feedback! 

Prevent fraud with our newest product - Smile Secure 

Whether it is a bad actor trying to collect extra promotional bonuses or a fraudster attempting to strike again, allowing users to create multiple accounts is a risk. Smile Secure is an add-on tool that informs you if you have previously verified the same user, even if the user is presenting a different name or government ID for KYC.

Introducing KYC Web Links by Smile        

KYC Web Links (Smile links) is a no-code tool to onboard users by sending them a link to a pre-built web flow that captures selfies, ID numbers and document images. With just a few clicks on the Smile portal, you can create and share personalised links to initiate KYC verification. 

Smile Links will allow you to customise the link by selecting the desired ID types and verification methods and then simply share the link with your users. Upon opening the link, your users can complete their KYC journey on any desktop or mobile browser.         

Smile Links will be available to use from 1st August. 


Our Client Portal has been Refreshed

Along with updating our portal with the new branding, we have made it more powerful. We have made several changes for you to easily monitor your user onboarding, including:

  • A whole new analytics dashboard to check on your KYC volumes and user approval rates
  • A new job result page that is easier to navigate
  • Revamped AML results so you can easily scan for risky users.

The Next Chapter for Smile ID

As we look to the future, we are working to build a digital space that is safe, accessible and honest. For Africa, we are all things ID, and we are here to build and secure the infrastructure of Digital Africa. 

Unlock Digital Africa with Smile ID.

Ready to get started?

We are equipped to help you level up your KYC/AML compliance stack. Our team is ready to understand your needs, answer questions, and set up your account.